Emergency Dentistry
Convenient Emergency Dentistry in Tempe

Regular dental visits to your primary dentist are fantastic! However, sometimes your conveniently scheduled visits six months apart aren’t so convenient when a dental emergency arises. OnCall Dental is an emergency dentistry practice focused on addressing your dental emergencies when they arise—not 3–5 business days later.
Dental Emergency Examples
Emergency dentistry cases come in all shapes and sizes. Below are some example emergency dentistry situations we have helped with:
- Sports Injury | Was the game on the line in the bottom of the ninth when you were playing shortstop and took that bad bounce to the teeth to make sure you could get the out? No worries! We’ll get your smile back to winning form in no time.
- Auto Accident | We frequently see patients who have been in an auto accident in which their tooth or teeth were damaged. We’re here to help you get things back to normal in life with our emergency dentistry services
- Home Accident | Often a dental emergency may arise when you least expect it. Kids are a source of joy in our lives, but they also personify the chaos factor. When roughhousing leads to a dental emergency, bring your little guy or gal in and we’ll set them straight.
- Work Incident | No matter your workplace environment—construction site or accounting firm—accidents happen. Whatever the cause of the dental emergency, you can head over to our practice and know you will be taken care of quickly and effectively.
- Intense Tooth Pain | Tooth pain can come out of nowhere and be surprisingly overwhelming. We will help the pain go away immediately and get life back to normal for you.
If you or your loved one were involved in an accident or are experiencing intense tooth pain, don’t hesitate to call us at our location in Tempe. We’re here to help you in any dental emergency!
Call now at 480-355-4131 to receive emergency dental care from OnCall Dental Urgent Care.